This is the project README

EPFL Dojo website

A static website for informations about EPFL dojos. Available here:


Please be sure to make a PR if you want to contribute.

How to sign the charter

Attendees of the EPFL dojo can commit themself by signing the EPFL Dojo charter. To do so, please open a PR on the file

  • Add your github username (alphabetical order) + the date (ISO8601 format);
  • Add that you have read and that you agree to commit to the charter;
  • Create your Pull Request on the main repository.


First you have to understand what is Jekyll and how it works. A simple git clone ... wouldn’t be enough to run the site locally. You have to setup jekyll first.

  • install jekyll (e.g. sudo apt install jekyll, bundle install);
  • checkout the repository;
  • run (jekyll serve);
  • go to the listed URL (e.g. http://localhost:4000).


You can also use Docker compose to run the site in a Docker container.

  • be sure to have Docker and Docker compose installed;
  • in the cloned repository, run docker-compose up in your terminal;
  • go to the listed URL (e.g. http://localhost:4000)